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Welcome to the first post of "Adventure".

Hey there.
Looking sharp!
But of course, it’s a Monday.
Monday is the busiest day of the week for most people.

For me, it is a day that sets the pace for the rest of the week. And I believe there are some of you who feel the same way.

To kick this week off, I would like to summarize some Kickstarter articles that most probably with improve your week.

There are 5 of them that will be listed below
1.      How What You’ve Got Can Become What You Want: This is by far the most effective article for the week. It helps one appreciates their current state and find new opportunities within that current state. The idea is  " we have already all the tools to progress to the next level in our lives" and its argument and strategy were sold well. Want to know its argument? It may be a good time to click on the article title above.

2.      How to Turn Journal Ramblings intoViral Articles: For some of you out there with creative but disorganized minds like me, this article was specially created for you. The importance of journaling once thoughts cannot be overemphasized. Benjamin Hardy (the author) outlined the benefits of journaling from a personal perspective and ways to go about it. He made journaling less daunting than it usually is painted. His techniques and process are quite concise and easy to do. Plus he took pictures of his own journal and contents. (I just got my own journal, shh.)

3.      Met 1 stranger every day in 2016… here’s what happened: Catchy Title right? The title is as fascinating as its content. It is about the author challenging himself to talk to a stranger daily. Not weekly but daily. And he has pictorial evidence to prove it. He did this for a whole year. He met great people and of course lots of rude people. This exercise thought him a lot. I am so convinced about the idea that I am giving myself that challenge, starting today. I will give you updates just in case I get slapped or called a perv. Juicy, right? Go ahead and read now( and join the wagon)

4.      Make 2017 A Year of Failure: What a counterintuitive title! But trust me, it is not exactly what you think it is. It is quite informative. Basically about overcoming the fear of rejection which holds a lot of people hold from great things. I believe reading it will give you a new and relaxing perspective to living.

5.      Isaac Asimov: How to Never Run Out of Ideas Again: This is an interesting read about a man (Isaac Asimov) who wrote so many literary articles in his lifetime that if you were to match the number of novels, letters, essays and other scribblings Asimov produced in his lifetime, you would have to write a full-length novel every two weeks for 25 years. Think it’s impossible? Think again because Isaac Asimov did it. This concise article explained how he never ran out of ideas. It is quite applicable to you, majorly because the world we live in is dynamic and people, things (pretty much everything) gets obsolete swiftly. Would it not be a good idea to always be on top of your game?

Click on the hyperlinks and set the pace for this week.

The articles above will definitely raise a lot of thoughts after reading. You can always drop your comments below and we can think things through together.

And Again "Welcome to Adventure"


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